'It's not too late': Arizona health care workers demand state action against omicron

‘It’s not too late’: Arizona health care workers demand state action against omicron

 A gathering of Arizona medical services laborers and promoters is approaching the state to make a pressing move in tending to a mounting number of COVID-19 contaminations and what they say is an imploding medical services framework.

Top on their rundown: statewide immunization and veil orders, and a disallowance on enormous social occasions.

Somewhere around 1,100 Arizona wellbeing experts, including doctors, medical caretakers and guardians, have marked an open letter to Gov. Doug Ducey, medical care pioneers and state and area authorities requesting prompt activity, including strategy changes, to battle the most recent omicron-energized flood of COVID-19 cases in the state.

“Without quick activity and intercession, the approaching omicron flood will cause numerous preventable passings, for the two patients tainted with COVID-19 and those looking for care for nonCOVID hazardous ailments,” the letter says.

 A gathering of Arizona medical services laborers and supporters is approaching the state to make a critical move in tending to a mounting number of COVID-19 diseases and what they say is an imploding medical services framework.

Top on their rundown: statewide immunization and veil commands, and a preclusion on huge social events.

Somewhere around 1,100 Arizona wellbeing experts, including doctors, medical caretakers and parental figures, have marked an open letter to Gov. Doug Ducey, medical care pioneers and state and area authorities requesting prompt activity, including strategy changes, to battle the most recent omicron-powered flood of COVID-19 cases in the state.

“Without prompt activity and intercession, the looming omicron flood will cause numerous preventable passings, for the two patients tainted with COVID-19 and those looking for care for nonCOVID dangerous diseases,” the letter says.

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